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Re-Ignite our community

outreach within South Philadelphia to reach Seniors in our community through interactive Bible Study and prayer to let them know that they still have a purpose.  It is designed to re-ignite their passion for God's word and that their life has purpose and meaning even now just like Caleb.  Caleb’s life illustrates for us that there is “no retirement plan” in doing the Lord’s work. 


Give Me My Mountain/ Give Me another Mountain (Destiny and Purpose for Living a Joyful Life)

It is reaching the mission mandate to reach our community with the word in being real, relevant and relational with the seniors within our community.

Location:  Marconi Older Adult

                   Center @ 10:00 am

                   2433 South 15th Street

                   Philadelphia PA 19145





"...Now give me this hill country that the LORD promised..."  

- Joshua 14:12 (MSG)


Give Me My Mountain/ Give Me another Mountain (Destiny and Purpose for Living a Joyful Life)

It is reaching the mission mandate to reach our community with the word in being real, relevant and relational with the seniors within our community.

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 12336

Philadelphia, PA 19119

Service Time: 10:30 a doors open

11:00 am -12:30 pm

Worship Location:

8116 Old York Road, Elkins Park, PA 19027 @ Asia Ketur (Event Venue)   

Philadelphia, PA 19140     Free Parking and close to public transportation

Contact; 800-732-1111 



Fresh Fire Inc. Ministries

Toll Free: 800-596-7864

POP Worship Ctr.

Local: 267-930-4562



© 2017 Fresh Fire Inc. Ministiries - All Rights Reserved.

Website Construct by Mitchell Multi Media Services

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